-This picture shows a geothermal plant at work
Summary - This article says that geothermal energy is the "Charlie Brown" of renewable sources. Meaning it does not get the same attention as other renewable sources. Unlike solar and wind, it can be produced 24 hours of the day, while when the sun goes down solar energy is out of the picture, and wind is so unpredictable. Getting geothermal energy moving in forward progress was a recent topic of a Geothermal Energy Association conference in Washington, D.C. Geothermal energry need to have support, wind was just like geothermal, once it was given funding it took off, and did much better. For geothermal energy to go farther much support is needed due to the high costs and risks. It also takes many years to complete, it is no short term project. Alternative energy in America has been hamstrung out with start-and-stop policies, and that is bad for all renewable energy sources. The upsides to geothermal energy could be great though, a successful plant can produce 30 years of affodable energy that emits basically no greenhouse gases, with barley any environmental impact.
Opinion - I think America needs to start converting to renewable energy sources, considering we are running out of other resources, and it is much cleaner. People need to put more thought into this, because the depletion of some sources is just around the corner. No one really thinks about life without what we have, because we haven't lost it yet, but when we lose it there will be a large panic and I believe people won't know what to do.
Questions -
I-Why do we continue to put money into pipelines for shale oil and natural gas, and deepwater ocean drilling with the know fact the climate is changing?
II - If you were at the conference in Washington, D.C., about geothermal energy what would you have said to the people there about converting?
III - Do you think the U.S. will wait till the last second to change our ways to get energy? Why or why not?