Thursday, September 22, 2011

Plastic Seas

"A Sea Captain Chances Upon a Sea of Plastic Waste—And a Lifelong Mission—in the Book Plastic Ocean."

August 26, 2011 | Lindsey Blomberg |
Picture- This is a picture of the story about Captain Charles Moore's voyage written by Cassandra Phillips

Summary- Captain Charles Moore was sailing the Pacific between Hawaii and California when he spotted a big island of floating trash.  He described it as "a bottle here, a bottle cap there, scraps of plastic film, fragments of rope or fishing net or broken down bits of former things."  The bits of garbage that the Captain came across are now known as the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch."  In the book Plastic Ocean: How a Sea Captain's Chance Discovery Launched a Determined Quest to Save the Oceans, the captain takes the reader on his voyage in 1997 and leads them through his discovery.  He describes the oceans as a "global dumpster," and more plastic is still to come, adding more and more every year.  This story is not only about the pollution of our great waters, but is also the story of an oceanographer on a quest to explore the ocean, and everything in it.

Quote: Captain Moore said, “latter-day Columbus discovering a plastic continent."

Opinion/ Reflection- I found this article very interesting and upsetting.  I think it's such a shame that the pollution is getting so bad that they are even comparing it to the size of continents.  If we keep polluting our waters at this rate, most of our marine life will be endangered or extinct.

1) What percent of the ocean is polluted, and what is the most common thing it's polluted with?
2) Why do most people find it necessary to litter rather than wait for a proper disposal method?
3) what is being done to help resolve these issues?


  1. this was posted by Jordan Hagerty by the way :)

  2. I agree with Jordan about how our oceans are being polluted way too much. How would anyone feel if everyone was pollutiong our homes carlessly? I wouldn't want my hometown filled with trash. This book will show people how much we are littering and why it is very important to recycle. If we despose of trash in the proper way, maybe our oceans will be cleaner, and put many species out of danger.

    Question 3- What is being done to help resolve these issues?

    NOTHING IS BEING DONE! although people are "trying" to recycle, no one really takes it seriously. If people REALLY wanted to save our oceans, no one would litter! this is why this book is so important, and for everyone to step up to save our Earth and make it like it used to be, carefree of pollution and litter.

  3. I also agree with Jordan, our waters need to start cleaned up and people need to stop littering. Although it may seem like nothing is going on but many animals are effected by all of it.

    this like is all about ocean pollution and what types there are

  4. I agree with Jordan's opinion. I think that the severity of damage disrupting the oceans is definitely underestimated. I also think that it is important that greater steps are taken to inform people of what their litter is doing to our oceans.

    question #2: People are lazy. People don't realize how badly throwing one piece of trash out the window can effect our environment and oceans.

  5. I agree with all of you. It's crazy that something as serious as a giant floating ball of trash is not only there in the first place, but there is not more action being taken to fix it. It's good for the captain to be one of those people trying to make a difference, more people should be working towards getting this cleaned up.

    #2: People don't understand that one piece of trash can cause a snowball effect. They think that one piece won't make that big a difference
