Sunday, December 11, 2011

Drill Happy

Photo- "Fracking" Is destroying the US by drilling near homes, damaging land, and harming drinking water supplies.

Summary- Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) is causing problems in the homes of people in Pennsylvania. People who have drilling sites set up next door are forced to breath in harmful chemicals, and listen to the drilling throughout the night. But whats even worse, is what is going on beneath the surface. Fracking, which is "millions of gallons of water being injected at high pressure, along with a mixture of thousands of chemicals, into rock shale formations to get at the gas" is causing problems for the drinking supply, and yet fracking is exempt from major laws such as the Safe Drinking Water Act.
Proving that fracking is the cause of water contamination has been difficult, and in some places like New York, attemts are being made to build buffer zones in order to protect watersheds. There has also been talk of banning fracking all together.
People have become aware of the dangers of fracking, that it won't help until renewables are found, and that gas companies plan on fracking one fifth of the U.S., which will derail any hope for alternative energy. It will also send off large quantities of methane into the air, more dangerous than carbon dioxide.
Josh Fox, film maker, and creater of the movie Gasland, is attempting to alert the public of the dangers of fracking. He plans on creating Gasland 2, which will show fracking in New York and Pennsylvania, as well as political movements dedicated to protecting gas drilling.

Opinion- The fact that this is happening so close to home is scary. The consequences to fracking outway the positives, and a lot more should be dont to stop it. The thought that people are trying to protect it and not looking at what could happen to Pennyslvania if it is not stopped should worry us. It seems like if it isn't stopped, we could be looking at a lot more water quality issues and problems with global warming.

1. How can we stop fracking?
2. What are some major problems with fracking?
3. Why do you think there is so much protection around fracking?


  1. After reading this, it made me think of the video we watched on this in class, and how something so real is happening so close to home. This fracking has gotten way out of hand, and as Emily said, the positives don't out way the negatives. Peoples health and water are at stake, and soon more bigger issues will be at hand. If we don't start to take action and responsibility for fracking, we may face many consequences.

    This is a really cool website that has links and articles all about the fracking in Pennsylvania. It even has personal stories!

  2. I think that fracking is a huge issue, in our country especially. Furthermore, if the downfalls of this proess are not expressed to the public, it will become an even greater issue, as countries around the globe start to join in. Although resources are indeed slim, i believe that this has too many harmful exports that are more severe than the benefits.

    1. We can stop fracking by getting involved in the issue & voicing our opinions against it! people need to come together and take a stand in order to stop this problem; nothing will change if nobody speaks up
    2. Fracking is believed to be contaminating water everywhere that it is going on at; however, the companies refuse to say that it is their fault! They are causing harm to civilians' household necessities and won't own up to the damage. Also, they add methane to the air, which is supposedly worse than carbon dioxide. This is bad, because everybody talks about how we have way too much carbon in the air already!
    3. I think that there is a lot of protection about fracking, because people sign off their rights to share their stories, in exchange for the massive amounts of money that they are promised. If you wave a wad of cash in front of someone, they'll give up anything to obtain it, without fully weighing the outcomes.

  3. I think fracking is very scary. its happening so close to us and i don't want my tap water ruined by deadly chemicals. what really bother me is the way the drilling companies deal with citizens who's water has been destroyed. they don't care unless they are getting what they want. its really ruining our country. I would be devistated and do whatever i can to stand up for what is mine and fix everything i can.

    3 new questions:
    1)What would you do if your land was now used as fracking grounds and your water was ruined?
    2) What could be an alternative source to get natural gas?
    3)What is your general opinion of fracking?

  4. It seems to me the fracking could be one of those things that people aren't concerned about it because it is not happening near them, people in Pennsylvania should be outraged. I know that i would not want my health or my friends or family's health at risk.

    this is a link to the website for the movie we watched in class and has some information.
