Thursday, December 8, 2011

EPA Proposes Air Pollution Standards for Oil and Gas

Title of article: EPA Proposes Air Pollution Standards for Oil and Gas Production/Cost-effective, flexible standards rely on operators' ability to capture and sell natural gas that currently escapes, threatens air quality
Author: Enesta Jones

Publication: EPA

Release date: 07/28/2011

Link to article:

            The EPA proposed new air pollution standards to reduce harmful pollution from drilling operations. This proposal will help in many ways. First, it will cut smog-forming volatile organic compound (VOC) from several types of equipment used in the oil and gas drilling process. This reduction will easily be accomplished by capturing natural gas that escapes to the air, and actually making it available to sell. Also, the VOC reductions are expected to help reduce ozone problems in many areas where oil is drilled. This means there will be a major decrease of the release of methane; which is 20 times more potent the carbon dioxide. So all of this decrease of pollutants would defiantly decrease cancer risks. But this proposal doesn’t only help the environment, it saves money. You see, the requirements for storage tanks are highly cost effective, with a savings of tens of millions of dollars annually. How could this be? The major decrease of natural gas that escapes into the air would be caught in these tanks. Overall, this proposal is going to be finalized in February of next year, and hopefully this works.  J  

Quote: "This administration has been clear that natural gas is a key component of our clean energy future, and the steps announced today will help ensure responsible production of this domestic energy source," said Gina McCarthy, assistant administrator for EPA's Office of Air and Radiation. "Reducing these emissions will help cut toxic pollution that can increase cancer risks and smog that can cause asthma attacks and premature death - all while giving these operators additional product to bring to market.”


Overall, this plan is amazing. I am so happy the EPA thought of this and actually brought this brilliant idea to many people’s attentions. This will have a huge environmental impact on our lives because we will breathe easier and be healthier! Who wouldn’t want that?! But this goes to show how much pollution is released into the air by fossil fuels. Everyone is affected by it and no one really made an effort to stop it. In my life, I always see factories pumping smog into the air and I think it’s horrible. Just to think we breathe that smog makes me want to gag. The proposal will not only help the environment, but will help oil and gas companies save money. Maybe if they save money, we can reduce the price of gas, which will save everyone money! See? This is a win-win situation and I agree with this proposal 100%.


·         What do you think about this proposal?
·         How much of an impact will it have on your life?
·         What do you think will happen if this plan doesn’t go through? How long will it take for everyone to realize how much pollution is being released by fossil fuels?

This picture shows how much smog is released into the air. This plan will help reduce all of this from being in our air, making it healthier to breathe.


  1. This proposal is amazing! The list of things that this proposal can solve is longer than one I have seen in a long time. The fact that it can not only take away harmful gases like methane, but it can catch natural gas to sell is truly great. It's nice to hear that we have made some progress in reducing the damage done to out planet, and that it will be starting as early as Febraury of next year.

    1. Like I said earlier, this proposal sounds like it could be a good starting point for turning Earth around in terms of pollution and waste, which is amazing to say the least.
    2. It will have an enormous impact! It will not only clean up the air in closer years but it will help provide a future with a cleaner planet to live on.
    3. If the plan doesn't fall through, then who knows how long it will take before another one like that is discovered, and that could prove to be problematic. I think that by now, everyone should realize that fossil fuels are causing these problems and if they don't find out soon, I don't know if they ever will.

  2. I agree with both Daniella and Emily, and find this proposal very interesting and refreshing. I hope that most of the things, if not all, are carried out as soon as possible! If this proposal can help our air, and ozone layer, then we will be one step closer to help restore the damage that we have done to our one and only home! The more pollution we can reduce, the healthier and happier our Earth will become!

    This website has other great proposals on how to help benefit the planet!

  3. I think that it is great that the EPA is taking a stand against this issue, and the proposal will be benficial. It isn't asking for much, so i belive that companies will be compliant with the rule, and it may increase the benefits from drilling operations. However, i'm a bit doubtful of how they will be able to execute this proposal; furthermore, i'm curious to see how they will measure the amount of leaked natural gas that is being saved and obtained.

    1. I already talked about this in my reflection, but i think that it is a great idea. In fact, i'm surprised that this wasn't a part of the deal fro mthe first place. Lastly, i wish rules like this were enforced from the beginning of drilling operations, so that industries don't take advantage of all of our resources as a free for all!
    2. As fracking and drilling operations begin targetting the east coast of the united states, i think that in the long run this will definitely help me out quite a lot! I'm glad that i can appreciate my clean air and resources now, before they start to try and take it all away.
    3. If this plan doesn't fall through, i think that it will be detrimental to our earth overall.However, i don't think that people will even realize it, or care about the issue, simply because nobody really knows about it as much as they should! unless the drilling operations are happening in your backyard, i feel as though many americans are oblivious to this issue. I'm sure that soon enough, our air quality will be so poor to the point that it will be unpleasant to the human senses. In other words, as drilling continues to become increasingly popular, the rate at which pollutants are being exerted is also increasing.. SOON!

  4. This is actually very interesting. I also think that this is one of the positive things I have heard about this topic lately. I'm glad that there is something actually being done about this entire issue.


    1 - I think this proposal is great, it is very benificial in many different ways.

    2 - Although it may seem like it does not impact us it does alot, with this proposal the process will become alot cleaner, which will in the future leave a cleaner Earth

    3 - If this isn't passed i think it would be very negative for any other plans like this, and i think that people know that fossil fuels are doing this to the environment.
